Classroom Management Problems


Classroom Management Problems

Classroom management problem is whatever that hinders or obstructs the academic learning of the students in the classroom such as:

1.     Student misbehavior

2.     Ineffective teaching methods employed by teacher

3.     Lack of infrastructure

4.     Lack of learning aids

5.     Lack of previous knowledge of students

6.     Cultural differences among students   (Praveen ,G., Thomas ,A.2018)

Planning for effective classroom management

1.    Getting to know your students

Teacher tries to identify need, student’s skills, characteristic, and learning style of student. This help teacher to create a psychologically safe environment for every learner. Determine each student's readiness for learning.

2.    Creating a learning environment.

The learning environment must be envisioned in both a physical space and a cognitive or psychological space.

Creating an environment conducive to concentration, study, and learning is more than having attractive, stimulating sights, relaxing sounds, and good ventilation. It is creating a place where all feel comfortable and at ease, a place where the surroundings are neat and orderly. It is a place where there is mutual respect in a friendly, non-threatening atmosphere.

Teachers must also consider the cognitive space necessary for a learning environment. This cognitive space is based upon the expectation’s teachers set for students in the classroom and the process of creating a motivational climate.

Teachers should consider the following factors for good physical environment

·        Visibility

 The room must arrange in such a way that all students can see the chalkboard, overhead projectors or other displays.

·        Accessibility

The room must be designed in such away that access to high traffic area.

·        Distractibility

Desk should be arranged in such away that potential distractions, such as movements that are visible through windows and doors be minimized.

3.     Establishing classroom rules and procedures.

·        Procedures

Procedures are steps for the routine’s students follow in their daily learning activities, such as how they turn in papers and make transitions from one activity to another. Expert teachers plan and teach procedures until they become routines that students follow automatically. These routines provide a sense of regularity and equilibrium for both students and teachers.

·        Rules

Rules are descriptions of standards for acceptable classroom behavior, such as “listen when someone else is talking”

4.     Getting students to cooperate.

There are three main strategies to get students to cooperate. The strategies are developing a positive relationship with students, get students to share and assume responsibility and reward appropriate behavior.

5.     Effectively managing classroom activities.

Therefore, effective teachers are the person who can conduct students using the four methods of teaching. The methods are show how they are “with it”, cope effectively with overlapping situation, maintain smoothness and continuity in lessons and lastly, engage students in a variety of challenging activities.


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